Do you have boxes of "schnibbles", small little treasures & bits of ephemera that have followed you home? I do. I love tiny things, but what do you do with them? It's difficult to display them so that they won't be overlooked. This weekend I decided that I would give a few of them the respect that they deserve.
Several years ago at a flea market I purchased a vintage post office training kit. It consisted of a suitcase-sized wood box with dividers, to mimic post office boxes. With it came boxes from various states, with hundreds of small cards with town names printed on them.
I went through the box from Montana and pulled out the cards with interesting names. Digging in my boxes I found items that would complement the names. An old brass button with a horse head on it was the perfect match for the town of "Hungry Horse". "Rosebud" was a no-brainer; a shabby millinery rose and a bit of scrap.
A small cowboy hat charm was attached to "Roundup" with 20 gauge wire and I couldn't resist using that same wire to make a circle to attach a round token to the "Circle" card. (The token reads "For Amusement Only".) All items can be removed from the cards for another use later, if desired.
This idea is easily adaptable to any tiny treasure. Print or stamp cards with a word or phrase to complement your item. Attach your "schnibble" to a vintage postcard or photograph. Select items specific to your guests to use as place cards or party favors. It takes just a few minutes to make each one and the possibilities are unlimited. It's fun, easy, and you'll enjoy showcasing your smallest finds.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
A Sunny Day & Flea Market Style
Light nourishes me. The sun popped out this afternoon and it was the first time this year that it was warm enough to sit out on the deck. (It's in the mid 50's, but felt downright balmy to this Northerner).
Gracie and I enjoyed an hour of pure bliss basking in the sun while I pored over the pages of Flea Market Style. I'd been looking for this magazine since first hearing about it and finally found a copy on a road trip last weekend. Junkmeisters Ki Nassauer and Matthew Mead have put together the ultimate inspiration for junkers like me.
I've read every page and am going back over it finding things that I missed the first two times. My favorite line in the magazine comes from an article on Canton Texas Original First Monday Trade Days: "Ki, who is attracted to anything you can buy in quantity...". They could be talking about me - I'm irrationally thrilled by multiples. (In the past couple of weeks I've purchased over 300 vintage feed sacks, twice. For the math challenged, that's over 600 feed sacks in my small storage area!)
My favorite seaside colors show up frequently in the pages of Flea Market Style and reminded me that a junky old tavern chair is in sitting in the garage waiting for a coat of paint. Maybe tomorrow.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Easter Whimsy - Vintage Bunnies, Chicks & Baskets
Today is the first day that carries a hope of spring. The warm sunshine is melting some of the piles of snow and reveals bare grass that will return to green one day. Easter must be coming. I've been gathering old easter baskets, bunnies and chicks for years. Here are a few of my favorites:
Smile...spring IS coming!
Smile...spring IS coming!