Anyone that sells at an antique market knows that there is a lot of work involved. You spend days preparing for each show, then load up, set up, rise before dawn on show day, sell and then break it down, load up again and head home. This year, I teamed up with my friend Kathy of Heritage Antiques to sell at the Elkhorn Antique Flea Market in Elkhorn, Wisconsin. Having someone along that laughs at the same things I do makes the effort half the work and twice the fun!
This past weekend was the last show of the season at Elkhorn. There are four shows a year here, with 400-500 dealers selling only vintage and antique items, along with a few select growers bringing in seasonal produce. There are no knock-off purses, office supplies or t-shirts here. This is one of the best shows in our area and Nona & Skip of
N. L. Promotions do a great job of running it.
Sunday was a beautiful early-autumn day and there was a good crowd of buyers from the 7:00 a.m. opening right up until closing at 3:00. Small inexpensive vintage items were snapped up. Hats, which normally do well for us, were not as popular this time. The smart brown wool 40's number went to a vintage-savvy college student. It looked great on her.
Vintage theatre marquee letters were my best sellers. One lady purchased the initials of her four children to hang over their hat & mitten cubbies in the mudroom. Some folks spelled out their last names. Others purchased their initials to hang over a doorway.
The favorite 'brings a smile' sighting of the day was these two ladies wearing marching band
Shakos they had just purchased. I've never been a fan of the red hat thing, but I could potentially get into wearing a Shako now and then...aren't they fun?
The only bad thing about
selling at Elkhorn is that there is no time to
shop there....maybe next year we'll find a way to do both!