Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do Not Fold - - - - - - - or Mutilate

"S-P-I-N-D-L-E "
What does that mean?  
I have a feeling that there's a 
generation or two who have no idea.
 Decades ago bills, receipts and other important
papers were organized by being stuck onto a spindle.
Many were free standing - this one hung on a wall.
Early computers relied on punched cards with 
a series of uniform holes for input & output of data.
A raggedy, misplaced hole would 
muck up the whole operation.
IBM began printing the phrase 
"Do not fold spindle or mutilate"
on the cards.  
And that's the origin of the phrase.

Have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Flea Market Style Magazine and Etsy

Found it!  The new Flea Market Style magazine finally surfaced in my local Walmart yesterday and it's another winner put together by Ki & her team.  
Permission  has been granted for me to give you a peek at the it is; intentionally distorted so that you can enjoy it fully when you get your copy of the magazine!  Find it at your local retailer or order it from the Flea Market Style blog...I promise you'll love it!

In the magazine, there is a shout-out to etsy sellers.  Did you know that there are well over a million vintage items listed on etsy right now? 

Browse the pages, get inspired and get busy.  My fellow etsy sellers offer many of the items featured in the magazine; I've put together a treasury of some of their offerings.

(By the way, do you know how to search on etsy?  Featured in one photo in FMS are bait buckets. Go to;  to the right of the etsy logo is a search box; it's a drop-down box that defaults to "handmade".  Click to the right of the word and select "vintage" from the box. Type in "bait bucket", to bring up all listings pertaining to vintage bait buckets.  That's how I found this beauty listed by SquidWhaleDesigns.)
A big thanks to Elizabeth for permission to use this photo. She and her friend Sarah own SquidWhaleDesigns.  Sarah has another fun etsy shop -  Mouse Trap Vintage...check it out!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Do You Love Gnarly?

Most of the grain sacks in my etsy shop have sold so I've decided to dig into the stash and get some more listed.  A year ago my "stash" was huge...I had over 700 sacks at one point. 
I haven't counted lately, but there are not that many left.
It seems that most buyers prefer the ones that are the closest to "perfect"; 
without too many stains, repairs or holes.  
 I'm afraid my heart beats at a different pace.  While I can appreciate the "pretty" ones, what really gets my pulse racing are the gnarly survivors like this one.
It's been around the block and over the river more than once.
It shows honest wear from just going to work and doing it's job.
(At the risk of offending some by getting political for
a moment, I wish our Wisconsin Democratic Senators would do the same...)
I love the way the farmer or his wife patched this with a bit of blue/white ticking.
Charming, yes?
I'm linking up with Capers of the Vintage Vixens for Bloggers' Bodega, (grain sacks are available in my etsy shop with more are being added today)
Faded Charm for White Wednesday

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Love Tokens - Symbols of Victorian Romance

Nothing exemplifies the passion and romance of the Victorians more than the simple love token, given as a gesture of love or affection. Coins were taken from circulation, smoothed down and hand-engraved with the initials of a cherished friend or lover.  It's been decades since I've acquired any.  The stars aligned this week and I was able to purchase a small collection.
(Update - this token is sold.)

A token may also have been used as a proposal according to the Love Token Society: "A young man desiring to get married in 1876 may have taken a dime from his pocket and engraved, or had an engraver engrave, his last initial, (family name), and his girlfriend's first initial on it. If she accepted and wore it they were considered engaged..."  How romantic is that?

Most were made from a Seated Liberty dime, dating from the 1850s thru the 1880s.
(I've got one gold love token in my collection; it's in such a safe place that I couldn't find it to show you a photo!  Am I the only one that 'loses' special things on a regular basis?)

This one was made from a quarter, and had a pin attached to use as a brooch.

Some tokens feature unusual motifs
(Update - this token is sold)

 Take a closer look at the whimsical rabbits!

I've yet to find one with my initials, but am still searching.
A few tokens will be available in my etsy shop;
while some will be added to my collection. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Grayslake...Come On Out!

The weather dudes are promising us a warm weekend for the Grayslake Antique Market tomorrow and Sunday. ("Warm" means 30's, which is more than forty degrees warmer than it was yesterday at this time - yaHOO!)  Our booth will be packed with a load of great finds and last minute gifts.  Hope to see you there!  Don't forget to click here and print out yesterday's post for half price admission.

I'm linking up with Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday....and I'm heading over there right now to be inspired by all those great posts.  Grab your coffee and meet me there! 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Grayslake Preview & Half Price Admission

Thanks once again to Zurko Promotions, admission to the Grayslake Antique Market this weekend is half price. Simply print this post out and bring it've got to have it with you to get the deal.
We're going to have a huge variety of items and I hope to show you more tomorrow. Today, items from the industrial/theatrical/carnival 'department'.
Awesome vintage theatrical lighting

 This bad boy will light up your life!

Film reels, canisters and giant prop jacks

 Vintage carnival items

 ...including punks

...and these fab plastic light covers

We'll be in space 132, unless there's a last-minute change.
See you there!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

White Wednesday - A New Favorite Photo Background

This is about the time of year that CJ gets tired of hearing "I hate winter", (coming from moi). I keep checking the mailbox, hoping that someone has magically sent me tix to the Bahamas or any warm locale, but so far....    :(

Tossing a few of my etsy items into the snow for their portrait sessions has provided an unexpected bit of winter fun. I like the way the light plays off the snow, and the way bits of snow cling to some of the items.  
I'm linking up with the lovely Kathleen over at Faded Charm for White Wednesday.
Head on over there for truckloads of wonderful whiteness!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Big Reveal...New Blog Design

Thanks to Karen at Valentine Design, there's a new look to my blog.  
Karen was great to work with!
These are my grandparents on Dad's side.
I adored them.
 Grandpa Harry died when I 
was just four, but I have loads
of great memories of him...
I still have the Bible he gave me for
Christmas; it has my name stamped in gold
Grandma took care of us a lot when Mom
was working.  She was always happy,
or if she wasn't we never knew it.
Her favorite song was "Oh Happy Day".

I asked Karen to incorporate these photos into
the header; I love the way it turned out.

**Show alert:  I'll be at the Grayslake Antique Market in Illinois this weekend.
My friend Kathy will be sharing the booth with me so you
know it will be packed with goodies.
I'll post a preview later this week, with half-price admission info.

A Visit to Farmgirl Antiques

 Awhile back, our friend Jeanine, (Chippy!-SHaBBy!), posted about a new shop in Milwaukee, called Farmgirl Art & Antiques.  Last week, my junksister Kathy and I both needed a fun day out.  (Kathy recently lost her dear Mom, I was feelin' blue about Gracie, and we both had cabin fever after the big blizzard....)  Off we went!
Lisa Goldner owns Farmgirl Art & Antiques. The shop is located in a wonderful old building with windows all the way around, a shabby tin ceiling and wood floors. It's the perfect setting for all the great shabby, industrial, and primitive treasures you'll find for sale.  This little hutch in the window is a heart-grabber!
 Chippy BLUE chair....(you know how I love blue!)
Wouldn't you love to do a bathroom with this old sink?
This little promise of spring was in the front window.
Kathy found a darling beadboard cupboard that she's
going to use in her kitchen.
 I couldn't resist these wooden dominoes...
 They're charming advertising pieces from the early 1900's! 
Be sure to visit Lisa's blog to keep up on the latest happenings at her shop, and if you're anywhere in the area you'll want to stop and shop!  Just a few blocks away is Antiques on 2nd. 
It's a huge mall, (3 floors), located in another great old building.
There's a little bit of everything there, but I always manage to find a treasure or two.

****I want to thank everyone for your caring thoughts on my Gracie post.
Blogland is filled with the most loving people...hugs to you all, 
for you, your dear pets...and for the 'old friends' you've lost....


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Goodbye Old Friend

June 10, 1998 - January 31, 2011
Known to eat packing peanuts, silk hankies and starfish...

favorite phrase "ride in the car"...
favorite destination: the bank

afraid of thunder, wind, rain, the vacuum....

...not afraid of cats


I miss my shadow.