Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Behind Closed Doors

When I spotted this little cabinet I was attracted to original finish, beautifully 'alligatored'.

Of course I couldn't wait to open the doors.  I was expecting to find shelves, but it was better than that.

An old lab kit!  The top tray holds old microscope instructions. 

Next up, a tray fitted for bottles, ....and dust.  (I never want to disturb authentic layers of age.  You don't find dust like that on "made in China" goods!)

 There are four slide trays on the bottom; aren't they cool? 

I'll confess that I didn't know much, (anything), about ostracods.  I now know that "a feature that distinguishes an ostracod from other crustaceans is the carapace that encloses the body".  Awesome!

It would appear that the best pine cells come from Germany...

...but the best household pest specimens can be found right there in Chicago.  Who knew? 
Bring your microscope and come on out to Grayslake this weekend to see for yourself!


  1. I don't know that I could part with that if I had spotted it first. Good luck at your show.

  2. Well you never know what's behind closed doors! Great find! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Three words...Fab U Lous! That will sell in a heartbeat. Ummm...there weren't any heart parts in there by chance?

  4. Wow!!!!!! you always find the most
    interesting things!!!!!!!!!

  5. I love your lab cabinet. Let me know if is available for sale. Thanks!

  6. What an interesting cabinet! My parents and grandparents are pharmacists, so I'm always attracted by such items. I have some apothecary items too, that used to belong to a university. I''ll write about it in my newt post.


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