Entries close at 8 a.m Central Time, Monday, Nov. 1st. Entries will be numbered in the order they were received. I'll then head on over to random.org to generate the winning numbers and post the winners. Good luck everyone!
Now, back to the road trip. Our getaway weekend included only one junker. Me. So, I consider myself quite fortunate that not only did I get to shop at Gold'n Country, but we also went into Waupaca where I shopped 44 North and Dane House Antiques. I chose my first purchase thirty seconds after walking into Gold'n Country:
Isn't this a handsome cubby? It's wood, clad with metal.
There's only one little problem. It won't fit in my van. Who would have guessed? It's waiting for me in New London until I can figure out how to fetch it. Fortunately, the rest of my treasures did come home with me. I love these early locker baskets...
made from "crinkly wire"...
...and these "cathedral window" tin panels.
The chippy gray paint is delicious.
Someone labeled this old classroom stool so it wouldn't walk away.
You know how I love letters.
These hand-made goodies spell a special word:
In Waupaca I found another 'cubby shelf'; pigeonholes from an old desk.
You'll see it at Grayslake in a couple of weeks.
When CG saw me carrying this:
...he commented,"I really hope she didn't buy the rest of the dresser".
(If it had been there you know I would have!)
Those wood balls in the drawer are from Victorian porch spindles.
They'll look great piled in a jar or bowl
And there you have it - weekend treasures. (Can't wait to see what YOU found!)